Zhongyuan Machine Tool Manufacturing Co,.Ltd.
为适应现代化建筑市场的需求,在建筑桥梁、地铁隧道等行业施工过程中,目前国家已明令禁止使用木模板而钢模板因质量重安装繁琐,在使用过程中容易发生漏浆、反复使用容易变形每次使用必须刷油等系列缺点造成在施工过程中使用不方便。铝模板因质量轻,安装方便,可以反复使用、不易变形、不漏浆、 脱模不粘水泥等系列优势,在目前同行业中,逐渐替代了木模板、 钢模板的使用。针对现阶段铝模板在此类行业中的推广使用,我公司专为冲压铝板模自主研发了液压单排冲孔机。本设备采用平行连杆机构单缸作用提高上滑块的同步性能,能够克服冲孔过程中的偏载问题且具有良好的稳定性操作方便冲压速度快维护简单等特点。近年来,我公司为服务于铝模板行业铝板的切割、冲孔,而自主研发了液压单排冲孔机、 切割锯、开料机等产品,受到了国内外用户的一致好评。
In order to meet the needs of modern construction market, in the construction process of building bridges, subway tunnels and other industries, the country has already banned the use of wood formwork and the heavy reinstallation of steel formwork because of its quality. It is inconvenient to use in it. Because of its light quality and easy installation,aluminum formwork can be used repeatedly, not easy to be deformed, not leaked and unstuck cement. In the same industry, the use of wood and steel formwork has been replaced gradually in the same industry. In view of the current promotion and application of aluminum templates in such industries, our company has independently developed hydraulic single row punching machine for stamping aluminum die. This equipment uses the single cylinder function of parallel linkage to improve the synchronization performance of the upper slider. It can overcome the partial load problem in the process of punching and has the advantages of good stability and convenient stamping speed and quick maintenance. In recent years, our company has developed the hydraulic single row punching machine, cutting saw, opening machine and other products to serve aluminum plate cutting and punching in aluminum template industry, and has been well received by domestic and foreign users.